Rainbow Springs State Park operations are supported in part by the park’s Citizens Support Organization (CSO) known as the Friends of the Rainbow Springs (FORS).
FORS raises money to purchase equipment, make repairs and improvements to the property, and to create programs that can be presented at the park. The organization provides volunteers to take part in park maintenance, operations and other projects as well.
The business affairs of FORS are managed by a thirteen-member Board of Directors who are elected by the voting members of the organization. Nine Directors serve a two-year term and are limited to three consecutive terms for a total of six years. Three officers of the Board make up an Executive Board. The Executive Board includes the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Executive Board serves a two-year term and are limited to a total of four years. The Treasurer is elected but is not subject to term limits.
2023 Board of Directors Officers
| 2023 Board Members
| Visitor Services Operations Managers
Board meetings are held the second Monday of every month (except July & August) and are open to the public. Special Board meetings are held as required.
The original group of supporters has grown from 30 volunteers to approximately 170 members. FORS volunteers continue to be integral part of the park. FORS members patrol the waters of the headsprings, work in the toll booth, maintenance projects throughout the park and gift shop. Please Join us!